A stroke sufferer with mobility problems has been left struggling to WASH after a social landlord bodged renovation work on his bathroom.
Workmen left pensioner Adam Mohammed, 74, with wallpaper peeling off the wall, dirty floors and shower area and without a handrail to use while bathing at his home.
He was due to have a replacement to his bathroom in August but work to replace the bathroom is still ongoing two months later – despite the fact he relies on a mobility scooter and walking stick to get around.
Adam, of Blackburn, Lancs, said: “The work has left a real mess.
“The wallpaper on the walls is peeling off and there is dirt on the floor and shower area.
“I’ve complained about this a number of times but nothing has been done.
“It’s disgusting as I’ve had a stroke and have to use a mobility scooter and walking stick to get by.
“The work has left me struggling to have a wash as a hand rail has been removed.
“I hope work on my bathroom is done as soon as possible.”
A spokesman for housing provider Places for People has apologised for the delay, saying separate work to replace Mr Mohammed’s kitchen had already taken place.

He added: “We have successfully completed a kitchen replacement at this address to the customer’s satisfaction but there has been a delay with the bathroom replacement.
“We apologise for the condition of the bathroom during this period and we were due to attend the property on Friday (October 20) to provide a temporary floor covering, replace the shower curtain and address any issues with regards to the bathroom walls.
“We are working with our specialist contractor to try and bring forward the delivery of the works and the new shower will be installed as soon as it arrives.
“We have made contact with the customer to apologise and agree our plans to rectify the issue.”