This is the face of the killer who stabbed a fellow school pupil to death and can legally be named for the first time after turning 18-years-old.
Daniel Stroud was found guilty of stabbing Bailey Gwynne to death in the corridors of a high-achieving secondary school as an argument took a dark turn for the worse.

Stroud regularly brought knives with him to Cults Academy in Aberdeen prior to the incident which cost Bailey his life on October 28 of 2015.
The pair would regularly trade “childish insults” according to those who knew them.
The fight was said to have started over a biscuit and escalated when someone called Bailey’s mum fat.

A teacher rushed to break-up the squabble near the boys’ toilets but arrived moments after Stroud had hit Bailey with the 3.3 inch knife.
At the time, Bailey was only 16-years-old and held dreams of one day becoming a marine.

Pictures that can now be released for the first time show Stroud wearing handcuffs and an all-black suit as he arrived at the high court in Aberdeen in 2016.
Stroud was told that had he not been carrying a knife then the incident at the top state school would have been a “fist fight at worst”.

He was later given a nine-year jail sentence at the High Court in Edinburgh for culpable homicide and for carrying knives to school.