Live Visual support solutions are the latest technologies that aim to improve customer satisfaction and service, with around 2.1 billion users in July 2021, it can only get better. Businesses churn out too much carbon emissions, and reducing C02 emissions is what many firms are looking to do quickly. The integration of visual support solutions in an organization’s CRM can have a huge impact when it comes to reducing carbon footprint. The question is, how can you reduce your company’s carbon footprint by integrating visual support solutions in your CRM?

What is live visual support?
Live visual support is an emerging technology that provides an affordable solution to limit your company C02 emissions quickly. Using various visual support tools like ViiBe will help your firm to solve the problems caused by carbon emissions.
With live visual support, the support team gets to see what the clients are seeing in real-time and offers an immediate solution. It reduces time wastes and the customer doesn’t have to solve such issues on their own. Using live visual support systems, your support team offers better expertise to the customer.
The New visual support technology for remote assistance
Web Real-time Communication (WebRTC) is an excellent technology that helps Web applications and platforms to capture and stream various media while also exchanging information between browsers.
With the Web Real-time communication software, your company doesn’t need any intermediary. It is useful in all sectors, especially when it concerns IT support, pre-after sales, remote machine inspection and other technical assistance.
For those in IT, support WEBRTC technology is important because it saves them about 40% time wastage as they can capture the problems easily. This technology had many related components and APIs which makes it perform its function.
Customers will also get better satisfaction using this technology as technical issues will be quickly solved and there will be better productivity. The impact of live visual support solutions on your customer satisfaction.
The impact of visual support solutions on your customer satisfaction
The impact of live visual support for customer assistance is unlimited, especially when it concerns customer satisfaction. Here are some examples:
Increased NPS
When it concerns Net Promoter score, it means client loyalty when asked to rate a product they have used before. Visual support can help with this, as there is high NPS when used efficiently.
Reduce Downtime
This emerging technology helps limit the amount of downtime, your business experience during the network. You get better Internet and greater technology management, which increases your IT network’s uptime.
Better Asset Management
Clients can manage their assets better with the plethora of visual support solutions available. They get to check how the viability of their assets and how they could increase in worth.
Immediate support
This is perhaps the best impact, as companies get instant IT support, which they need for their business to function properly. With visual support solutions, there is no time waste as the support team is available 24/7 to attend to all their technical needs.
Better assistance thanks to video and collaborative tools
This visual support tool helps businesses to get the necessary help they need using real-time video assistance and the appropriate collaborative tools.

How to integrate live visual support in your IT ecosystems?
Integrating live visual support in your IT ecosystems is important, and the steps vary depending on the visual support tool you use. Also, it is imperative to get the services of IT support who have the expertise to do seamless integration of all live visual support tools that your business will require.
The easy integration of ViiBE in any CRM
To integrate visual assistance tool in a CRM is the best technical solution for all businesses. ViiBE will be a great module in all CRM like Microsoft Dynamics, IBM maximo, zendesk salesforce and others.
Many companies can download it directly from the CRM marketplace or integrate it into their IT system effectively. With ViiBE, you can go wrong for a safe and effective live visual solution.
The impact of ViiBE integration on company support processes
Integrating ViibE into companies support processes can bring about some desirable impact, which includes:
East switching from audio to video calls
With the easy integration of the ViiBE module in a CRM, support staff can easily change from a phone call to a video call which also includes all collaborative tools without downloading any applications.
Information is easily accessible
Also, all useful information is added to the CRM ticketing system, which is made available to all company members.

The impact of live visual support on companies’ carbon emissions
Carbon emissions are fast becoming a problem for everyone, therefore most firms are trying to reduce their carbon emissions by using live visual support tools like ViiBE. The best way to do so is by using support tools like ViiBE video chat. The ViiBE “tool does this easily by reducing fuel costs because you don’t need to send many experts to sites again.
What you just need is an IT system integrated with the ViiBE tool. You have fewer people moving about while work is going on. Your saved cost goes to other beneficial businesses.
The ViiBE visual support helps technical professionals instantly share videos and vital documents to solve site problems.
How many experts and dispatch agents are avoided thanks to immediate visual support
With the immediate help of visual support tools like ViiBE to reduce companies’ carbon emissions, many experts and agents dispatch are not sent to worksite, which is a big gain to the company. Recent statistics show that an average of 20% of tech dispatch is avoided when using this tool.
This reduces overhead costs and salaries which the company could have incurred. Also, more than 25% of issues are quickly solved with just one phone call. Productivity increases and there is better efficiency at work. Your overall revenue operations are optimized for success.
The carbon emission reduction thanks to the avoided displacements
The introduction and integration of viable visual support solutions like ViiBE’s gives an excellent avenue to reduce companies’ carbon emissions drastically.
ViiBE helps businesses to avoid displacements, especially in key sectors like construction, manufacturing and oil and gas.
A good example is the case of Allianz Partners whose CO2 emission was reduced by around 93 metric tons immediately after it starts using ViiBE visual support solutions.
Also, Total oil firm has gained tremendously from using ViiBE solutions because it had reduced its dispatch experts in oil rigs and focus more on IT support. Their overhead cost has positively reduced by 25% in recent years.
For companies who want to reduce their carbon footprint by integrating visual support solutions in their CRM, they have taken a positive decision. Using the right support tools like ViiBE has great benefits.