UK airports among some of the worst in the world

Britain’s airports have been rated as some of the worst in the world in a new global study. Edinburgh, Manchester and London Gatwick airport in the 10 worst airports in the World, and there wasn't a single entry in the top ten list. Singapore Changi Airport was ranked as the best airport in the world, closely followed by Munich and Hong Kong. The data was compiled by AirHelp who studied the quality and service, and punctuality at the most popular 76...

Easyjet deny passengers were asked to vote whether to take off on faulty plane

Passengers on an easyJet flight were horrified when the pilot asked them to VOTE on whether to take off - as there was only a "50/50 chance" of both engines working, but EasyJet have strongly denied the claims and believe it was a misunderstanding. The stunned holiday-makers were on the tarmac at Malaga airport, Spain, when is was claimed the pilot asked for a show of hands as to whether they should take off. The un-named pilot told passengers there...

Four in ten Brits are ‘social tourists’, new research reveals

Millions of Brits are fulfilling their travel aspirations through friend’s and family’s posts on Facebook, according to new research. Four in ten UK adults admit they are ‘social tourists’ - experiencing an average of 14 countries through friend’s and family’s social media updates every year. However the typical respondent has visited just nine countries in reality – although over two thirds have been inspired to travel more widely after seeing social media posts. While around a fifth of people admit...

Sweden lists entire country on Airbnb

Sweden has listed the entire country on Airbnb in celebration of its freedom to roam principle (or Allemansrätten) which gives people the right to freely explore all public spaces across the country. From a rustic retreat in a historic and mysterious forest in western Värmland to fishing in the pools of the rugged cliffs of Sandön, there are countless fascinating spots to explore freely throughout the Scandinavian nation. And the best part is - you don’t have to officially book accommodation...

The top 30 most snapped landmarks in the World revealed

New pan-global research released today has revealed the top 30 most photographed landmarks worldwide – a list topped by The Eiffel Tower and including Alhambra, The Colosseum, The Burj Khalifa and Big Ben. The Eiffel Tower took the top spot  with a whopping 4,654,699 snaps closely followed by London's Big Ben, which garnered 2,435,223. But despite the hug numbers of people uploading pictures of the iconic landmarks half of the pictures of the Westminster clock were taken from the same angle, and more...

Watch – Boeing Dreamliner decked out as world’s largest luxury business charter

Ordinarily Boeing 787 Dreamliners serve as commercial aircraft that carry between 240 and 335 passengers, but in a world first one of the planes has been transformed into a 40-passenger private jet so spacious and well-equipped that it resembles an airborne penthouse apartment. Developed by Kestrel Aviation Management, an American aviation asset manager that specialises in airliner and corporate aircraft acquisition, sale, modification and financing, this one-of-a-kind Boeing Business Jet (BBJ) has been dubbed the Dreamjet. The privileged few who...

First look: The world’s greenest airport

Let’s be honest: the world of aviation and sustainability don’t exactly go hand in hand. But that doesn’t mean we should be wasteful in our travel, hence the popularity of offsetting our carbon footprint when travelling. For further guilt-free travel, Oslo Airport are pushing the boundaries with what’s billed to be the world’s greenest airport. Nordic-Office of Architecture took care of the original airport’s design in 1998, and their new expansion, which opened this week, produced 35% less carbon emission....

Air New Zealand open pop-up shop in Soho to counter our perception of airline food

Air New Zealand has opened a pop-up shop in London's Soho today to counter our perception of airline food. A quarter of Brits think airplane food is worse than school dinners and hospital food, new research has found, while a fifth of people believe bad cuisine is the worst thing about flying long-haul and over half don’t like the food served on planes.   The menu on offer at the pop-up, This Is How We Fly, was devised by kiwi...

Returning from holiday? You’ll be ready for another one in a month

Do you ever feel like you need another holiday to recover from your holiday? Well, according to new research it takes Brits just 29 days after they return from their jollies to feel like they need another one. Just over four weeks after your last holiday or mini-break has been identified as the point where fatigue starts to set in, work performance starts to slide and we feel the need to get away from the daily grind. Eating more comfort...

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